Tune In Saturdays: The High Llamas

HighllamasI think I should have known about London's the High Llamas a long, long time ago. Seems they've been around forever, but apparently just out of earshot from me. It's brilliant elevator music, and that's meant in a good way. They sound like a Burt Bacharach/Brian Wilson sandwich. And, it tastes good, my friends.

From allmusic:

"Over the course of their career, the High Llamas successfully combined '60s pop sensibilities with burbling analog synth accents and laid-back, West Coast vibes with a NYC session cat's journeyman aesthetic. Every Llamas album has embraced these creative styles in varying degrees: from Gideon Gaye's decidedly '60s Brit-pop bent, to Hawaii's sprawling and breezy beaches, to Cold and Bouncy's warmly clinical brand of slickness, to Beet, Maize & Corn's detailed chamber pop, the Llamas have succeeded at every slight stylistic turn they have taken."

