Twitter is Bitter. It's Opposite Rhyming Day!

Driving1_3As you'll probably notice, my threshold for trying new things is about 20 minutes, so I was very proud of myself for staying off twitter. Well, until now. In the right sidebar, you'll be getting regular updates on what you never really wanted to know in the first place, what I'm doing in real time. It'd be fucking awesome if they'd tie in with google calendar so I could track my hours at work with it, too.

So far, I've found Armano, Drew, Brent and Dino on there. Where are you?

As a side note, I found out today that it's a BAD idea to fuck with twitter while driving 70 down a busy highway. I really enjoy pulling 180's, the smell of burnt rubber, and staring down oncoming traffic. And even weirder, I don't think my heart jumped or my breathing changed at all. I think technology is turning me into a robot.