Tune In Saturdays: Menomena

Dustbowl2I finally got my fucking electricity back! Dallas is in the middle of about the weirdest dust bowl ever, so I had nothing until about 20 minutes ago. That being so, this Saturday is a super duper quickie, cause I gots to get gone.

This week, we feature Menomena, a band with such huge balls that they named themselves after the skit below.

Yeah...I don't know why I find that so badass, but I do. Sue me.

Anyway, Menomena is pretty friggin' weird, and pretty friggin' computer-driven, too. But it works. From Prefix:

"Menomena's musical hash is some of the most interesting stuff you're likely to hear. The Portland-based trio creates its mix 'n' match pop anthems in a decidedly peculiar way: Deeler, a computer program created by drummer Danny Seim, creates loops out of short improvised riffs that each member comes up with. These loops are assembled into some peculiar, but undeniably catchy, shapes."

Also, if you happen to be in Dallas tonight, meet me at the Granada for a show featuring three tune in saturdays alumni - Midlake - St. Vincent - Tacks, the boy disaster.

And, some extra mp3 love.

Midlake - Roscoe (mp3)

St. Vincent - Paris is Burning (mp3)

Tacks, The Boy Disaster  - Forget Me Not (mp3)