Tune In Saturdays: Tacks, the boy disaster

TackstheboydisasterFrom the indie-pop haven of Austin, Texas emerges our next Tune In victim, Tacks, the boy disaster.  They remind me of a mash-up of Brendan Benson and Of Montreal at their most subdued. 

From the Austin Chronicle, after rating TtBD's Oh Beatrice as the number one album out of Austin in 2006,

"To be sure, the indie-pop foursome seemed to emerge as if from nowhere, garnering local attention, praise from a universe of blogs and even some Austin-area radio play. But their seven-song debut EP, Oh, Beatrice, evidences a songwriting talent of astonishing maturity. Tacks effortlessly navigates across a vast range of pop sounds, with richly-textured songs whose accessibility is rivalled only by their musical depth."

Go to MySpace to hear more, or listen to a couple mp3's below. Also, you can see a clip of a video for "Forget me not."

Tacks, the boy disaster - Forget Me Not.mp3
Tacks, the boy disaster - Matilda.mp3

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_trXMhNqY3s]