The First Time I Wanted to Marry a Phone

IphoneDo you ever get that feeling that something is so damn cool that you just want to hug people?  And by people, I don't mean just your girlfriend or mom, or whatever, but anybody you can get your hands on?

Graduated college? Landed some big, new client? Got a raise?

Watch out people, I'm about to get handsy...

But this time it only took a glimpse of the new Apple IPhone.  I think I'm too pathetically excited to really examine it in any depth, but holy shit, it's friggin' cool.

In other news...

My favorite Masi, Tim Jackson, got screwed by Saturn, making the cold day in hell before I'll buy another GM just a few degrees cooler. Gavin, Sean, and the Masiwife had some thoughts, too.

Likemind Dallas is here! Friday, January 19 at Panera Bread, 7839 Park Lane, Dallas, just west of 75. I'll explain more as it gets closer, but think Russell Davies' Coffee Morning, but branded.

And, Coffee Morning Second Life is also here! Sure, it's a little counterintuitive, but hell, so are most things. If you want some virtual coffee and real conversation join us over in Crayonville at 8am CST (9 am EST) next Thursday, January 18th. If you've got any questions, feel free to email CC Chapman at A big thanks to Crayon for stepping up and hosting!

Last, but not least, the wonderful CK and her bookie brain child, the Marketing Profs Book Club gets started tomorrow with our first book, Citizen Marketers by Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba.  Get on over there and join the conversation!