Tune In Saturdays: Malajube

BeretWhat happens when you cross the Flaming Lips with Mercury Rev and the Polyphonic Spree, then gorge them all on french toast, french fries and Labat Blue?

You get the confusingly named Malajube, pronounced as best as I can tell, Mal - uh - zhoob.

Pitchfork says,

"the inventive arrangements and zealous intensity of their second album make it difficult to countenance any suspicions of opportunistic hit-knitting. But their approach to indie rock is so resolutely of-the-moment that it seems filled with hyper-modern allusions. Malajube's music is labyrinthine, filled with multi-directional trapdoors-- some drop down to lower landings of the songs; some let out into realms recently conquered by other indie heroes (particularly of the Polaris Prize-nominated variety)."

To which I say,"huh?" Not that they're wrong, but it's just a long way of saying, "Hey man, I like those guys' music. They sound original!"

So, that's what I say. "Hey man, these guys kick ass, in an 'angry frenchmen, fuck you Bill O'reilly' sort of way, but happier."

Now, I must go smoke ze cigarette and put on ze black-and-white striped shirt and beret.  Cause that's how I roll.

Listen to more over at the MySpace page.