Apple Pie, Shit Forks and One Big Tuesday

Timesup_1I have to go to work.

I don't give a shit.  Go vote.

My vote doesn't matter.

I'm from Texas, asshole, and I'll be there, so, I don't give a shit, go fucking vote!

I don't like the poll stations.  They smell like old people.

OK, you smell like a lazy American.  And that smells even worse, so go vote.

I hate them Democrats and Republicans.  Keep 'em all!

And we all agree.  We all hate politicians, even more than we hate marketers (damnit!).  So, get off your lazy ass, go fulfill your civic duty, and vote for Nader.  Nader not running?  I don't care, go vote.

See?  Now you're out of excuses.  Get off your ass and go vote.   Oh, and, take ten minutes to find out who you're voting for, cause voting blind's like eating apple pie with a shit fork.  And yes, that's my favorite analogy ever. 

Our democracy can't be stolen from us if we give it away. So, don't, please don't, give it away.

Thanks to CK for the awesome photo.