Coffee Morning Dallas, sort of.

CoffeemorningAnd the trend towards the blogger conversation bleeding off the computer and into the coffee shops continues...

Coffee Morning Dallas has gone from in the works, to worked.  Although, for us, it's less of a coffee morning, and more like a coffee day. 

Anybody that wants to show up for a little bullshitting, lunch and a spot or two of coffee, details below:

Cafe Brazil
6420 N. Central Expwy, Dallas, TX, USA, World.
Friday, November 10, 12:00pm.

In so far:
Cam Beck and Paul Herring, from the brilliant blog Chaos Scenario.
The hopefuls, as in, we're hopeful they can make it:
Scott Baradell, the mind behind the newly launched Spin Thicket, as well as the Media Orchard
Mack Simpson, creative badass, and proud new poppa, from Adverb: Adman of Action.

Next time, we're keeping our fingers crossed for John Keehler of Random Culture and Chaos Scenario.

And the meetups around the world:
Of course, the original, from the godfather of coffee and mornings, Russell Davies in London (but this time hosted by Ben).  Then there's the Toronto coffee morning from the Leo Burnett boys.  And, we can't forget Noah and Piers, hosting likemind NY&SF.  Last, but certainly not least, there's coffee morning Sydney (home to two of my favorites, Katie and and the Servant of Chaos himself, Gavin).

Looks like Russell's little idea is turning into a movement. Kudos!

**Update: Scott has been upgraded from hopeful to in.  And we all celebrate.