Across the Sound turns 50. No date set for move to the Senior Center.
It's a party people. Sunday morning, I scraped myself out of bed at the crack of 11 to celebrate the 50th birthday (that is to say 50 episodes, not 50 years) of Joe Jaffe's Across the Sound. The party was a Skypecast moderated by the birthday boy himself featuring some notable webrities from the communications blog universe.
Some of the attendees:
Shel Hotz, of For Immediate Release
Bryan Pearson, of New Comm Road
John Keehler, a fellow Dallasite of Chaos Scenario, Random Culture, and Lostcasts
Mitch Joel, of Six Pixels of Separation
Jill Pyle, of Less than 3, who I found out shortly after the show actually interviewed Jason Calacanis on her second podcast. Not bad!
Terry Fallis, of Inside PR