Tune In Saturdays: Heaven is a Hotel

HeavenlA Saturday quickie featuring Heaven is a Hotel. 

One of the best names ever from this indie rock trio, with emphasis on the ROCK.

They drive me nuts because they never play, and hardly ever record anything for release.  It's unnerving, but fortunately, when they do, they always do me right.

They remind me of a little Modest Mouse, a little Arcade Fire, mixed with just a taste of screamo.  Yummy.

Their home page is, not-surprisingly, down, so head over to their MySpace page.  Start with either brake failure or second story man.  Get it.


UPDATE: Is anyone actually listening to this stuff?  This is the one thing I never get feedback on.  It's not like I'm trying to sell you on shitty Ashlee Simpson, or even any of the Simpsons for that matter, including that Cabrerra guy.  I'll continue posting "Tune In Saturdays" cause I like to, but let me know if anything you've heard catches your fancy.  I'm big on finding and trading new stuff.  So, uh, word to your mother.