Return of the Saturday Special

RobglAfter spending last Saturday popping more pain pills than blogging, my Saturday special returns, featuring some of the best music that you probably have yet to hear, but I think would work beautifully in the marketing world.

I first heard about Denton's Robert Gomez through a couple of his other bands, Norte de Havana and Rob G and the Latin Pimps.  Both obviously latin music, tinged with jazz and pop, especially in the case of The Latin Pimps.

Robert Gomez as a solo artist is a total departure.  Low-key and intuitive, like a mellow Beck, Gomez quietly makes music that meanders, but surprises.  In his latest album, Etherville, he creates songs that are as perfect for Sunday afternoons as they are for candle lit dinners.

Norah Jones also makes an appearance in the album, lending harmonies to "Happiness Today". 

A new song from Rob G's upcoming record "Brand New Towns" is up on his myspace page.  If this is any indication of what we can expect, we should all be very excited.

Etherville is available on ITunes.
