No more ABC for me, thanks

ABC's President of Advertising Sales Mike Shaw decided to let us know why we like our DVRs.  And, no, it's not because it enhances our ability to dodge the minefield of shitty advertising that they run on their network.  It's only for the time-shifting.  He said:

I'm not so sure that the whole issue reallyis one of commercial avoidance,  It really is a matter of convenience--so you don't miss your favorite show. And quite frankly, we're just training a new generation of viewers to skip commercials because they can. I'm not sure that the driving reason to get a DVR in the first place is just to skip commercials. I don't fundamentally believe that. People can understand in order to have convenience and on-demand (options), that you can't skip commercials.

While I appreciate how he wishes the world would stay the same for forever, let's get with the program a little bit.  Mike Shaw, your job is not to train us.  Your job is not to choose how we consume what we consume.  If we don't want commercials, then we won't watch them, and if your network isn't on board with that, then we simply won't watch it.  We don't owe you our time because you're still living in a decade past.

Now, I understand the need to make money.  I understand that advertising makes that content possible.  But you understand that it doesn't give you the option to treat us like we're simply numbers that have to add up to make you enough dollars.  Find new ways to engage us.  Give us choices. 

The lesson needs to be learned that no one controls technology.  If you think you can, you will fail.  And I wish Mike Shaw nothing but failure.

Via Boing Boing.
Also - Hespos.