ATS Goes Hee Haw.

IconCatch me on Episode #39 of Jaffe's Across the Sound, commenting on the squalor of the majority of traditional marketing.  I'm about 20 minutes in.  Show notes and download here.

If you haven't heard it, make sure you listen to the whole thing. I promise you'll learn a thing or two.

You can also hear me get beat up a little bit by the [X+1] boys for my joking comment about using  algebra on a marketing blog.  Trust me, boys, I spend plenty of time busting out numbers in excel (even as much as I hate it).  It was only a joke, damnit!

I will say this,  the [x+1] sponsorship turned out amazingly well..  Although the direct ROI may or may not be there, they've definitely gone from a company I had never heard of, to one with a face and my respect.  CEO Toby Gabriner had a compelling interview chocked full of interesting tidbits, and sponsorship or not, I'll keep my fingers crossed we hear from him again.